How to Clean Tires and Add Shine

Cleaning Your Tires

Cleaning and degreasing tires can be easy but a dirty job none the less. Tires can accumulate dirt, grime, grease and anything foul that may lie on the road as the tires rotate day in and day out. Using the right products and tools can help you clean your tires and keep them looking clean and new without the hassle.

Step 1: Prep

Prepping a Car Tire for Cleaning

Make sure you set up in a location accessible to all tires and make sure there is enough light for you to see the grime and grease that’s on your tires for you to remove. This makes it easy to calculate the amount of product you will use on each tire as each tire may have a different level of grime. Nonsense is just one of our many great products that we offer.

Step 2: Clean

Cleaning Car Tire with a Brush

Recommended dilution ratio is 3:1. Spray Nonsense onto the desired area of the tire, covering the tire with the cleaner, and then let it sit for about 5 to 10 seconds to give it time to agitate the filth. Using our Blue Stiffy Brush, brush the tire in a circular motion or left to right to further agitate the grime until you see the tire fully cleansed from the grime and grease.

Step 3: Wipe

Wiping Down a Car Tire with a Microfiber Towel

Wipe the excess filth from the tire using our Workhorse Black Microfiber Towel which is recommended for Tires, Rubber, Vinyl and Engine Bays. After wiping down the excess, check the tires for any spots you may have missed and if so, you can do a second round to get a thorough clean. Now that the tires are nice and clean, it's time to shine and protect them using one of our great dressings like Blue Guard or G6 HyperCoat.

Shine & Protect Tires

Apply, work, and wipe Chemical Guys dressing for tire shine and protection and ensure high shine, dirt repellence, and a deep-black finish.

Step 1: Apply

Applying Chemicals Dressing to an Applicator Pad

Take the Chemical Guys dressing of your choice, shake well, and apply a few dots to an Easy Grip Soft Hex-Logic Applicator Pad. Remember, a little goes a long way!

Step 2: Work

Cleaning a Car Tire

Take your applicator pad and work the dressing into each tire. Make sure to cover the entirety of each tire and evenly disperse the product. This will ensure each tire has a high shine, is well protected and repels dirt and dust!

Step 3: Wipe

Wiping Down Car Tire with Microfiber Towel

Wipe any excess product off using one of our Workhorse Black Microfiber Towels. Now your tires are cleaned, protected and have a deep-black shine!

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