Exterior How-To's

Get professional results with Chemical Guys' exterior detailing how-to's. Learn the tips, tricks and techniques for maintaining a flawless finish on your vehicle's exterior.

Chemical Guys is a trusted leader in the car care industry, known for unmatched expertise and innovative products. With a deep passion for automotive detailing, we provide the knowledge you can trust to achieve exceptional results.
Washing a White Car at Detail Garage
How to Wash Your Car At Home: Step-by-Step Guide
Master car washing at home with this guide. It covers essential supplies and the two-bucket method for a scratch-free clean, ensuring a professional finish.
Car Washed with a Foam Cannon
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid when Detailing a Car
Discover the top 5 mistakes car owners make when detailing their car and learn how to avoid them with Chemical Guys' expert advice.
The Five Don'ts of Washing Your Car
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Washing Your Car
Learn the top five car wash mistakes that can be damaging your ride's exterior and what to do instead.
Tough Mudder Truck Wash
How to Clean a Muddy Truck: Step-By-Step Guide
Tough mud can stick on your truck or car and damage your vehicle. Learn how you get it off correctly using the right products and accessories.
Sealant being applied to a red car
How to Apply Car Paint Sealant: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn how to use a sealant to make your car shine and protect it from extreme weather and temperatures that rapidly break down natural waxes.
Applying Quick Detail Spray to the Side of a Car
How to Quickly Detail your Car with Quick Sprays
Explore the benefits of using quick detail sprays for maintaining your car's shine. This guide explains how to effectively use them to remove dust, dirt, and other contaminants, ensuring a lasting, impressive finish.
Flow Chart for Detailing Your Vehicle
Flow Chart for Detailing Your Car
Master car detailing with this comprehensive guide. From basic wash to advanced paint correction, it covers every step, offering tailored solutions for all paint conditions.
Display of Chemical Guys Compounds and Polishes
How to Choose the Right Compound or Polish
While there's no cookie-cutter answer for what will work for every car, there is a method to selecting the best combination of machine, pad and polishing compound. Learn the Chemical Guys method.
Washing Side of Car with a Foam Cannon
Top 5 Foam Cannon Tips and Tricks
Maximize your foam cannon's efficiency with tips on the right pressure washer, soap, water temperature, car pre-rinsing, and proper maintenance.
Foam Cannon Spraying Soap
How Do Foam Cannons Work for Washing Your Car?
Discover the magic of a foam cannon for washing your car - a key to thick, sudsy car washes, minimizing swirls and scratches for a perfect shine.
Car Door Being Cleaned
How to Clean Car Trim
Learn to clean and maintain car trim, removing daily grime or polish residues, and finishing with protective dressings for a restored, protected look.
Washing a Car with Two Buckets
What is the Two Bucket Scratch Free Wash Method?
The trick to scratch and swirl free paint is to use two buckets when washing your car, a good quality mitt, premium towels, and a dirt trap bucket filter.